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Adding alt text to images on your website and social channels is an important part of web accessibility. In this guide we share what it is, why it's important and how to write it.

What is alt text?  

Alt text stands for alternative text. It describes the appearance, context, or function of an image that appears on a webpage or social media channels.    

You need to add alt text to images, charts, icons or other graphics to ensure that this content is accessible to all users and optimised for search engines.  

Why is alt text important? 

  • Alt text is used by screen reading tools to describe the image and context to people who may be visually impaired or blind
  • If there are any issues with page loading speeds or bandwidth, alt text can help people understand how an image contributes to a page’s content  
  • Well written alt text helps search engines understand the content of your images. It provides more information to interpret, index and rank your content 

How to write alt text 

  1. Think about the context of the image, why it is there,


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