A vision and mission statement are foundational elements for any organisation, including small charities. They define the charity's purpose, values, and goals, guiding its strategy and operations.
This guide will help you understand what vision and mission statements are, the differences between them, and how to create effective ones for your charity.
What is a vision statement?
This is your "big picture." It paints a vivid picture of the future you're striving for. It represents the desired future state the organisation aims to achieve. It should be inspirational, aspirational, and align with the core values and beliefs of the charity.
Key characteristics:
- Future-oriented
- Inspires and motivates stakeholders
- Broad and ambitious
- Reflects the charity's core values
What is a mission statement?
This is your "how-to" plan. It outlines the specific activities and strategies you'll employ to achieve your vision. It's your daily work plan, the actionable steps that translate your dream into reality.
Key characteristics:
- Present-focused
- Clear and concise
- Describes the charity's activities and objectives
- Specifies the target audience and the impact
Differences between vision and mission statements
Think of it this way:
Vision: A community free from hunger and poverty.
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