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Having a blog section on your website is great way to share charity news and updates on fundraising efforts. However, it isn’t as simple as pressing ‘publish’ and seeing an increase in traffic to your website.

To reach your audience, you need to share relevant content on channels where they are most active. The perfect promotion strategy will look different for every charity, so it is important to try different channels and tactics until you find the right fit.

Have a goal in mind

Firstly, every blog post that you create needs to have a specific goal that meets your charity’s mission and objectives. For instance, are you looking to engage supporters, increase donations, or share stories about your charity?

Remember, don’t just post for the sake of posting. Focus on creating high quality, well-researched and written content that resonates with your audience. Also ensure you include clear call to actions (CTA) in your posts so that there is a logical next step for users.

Top Tip: Take a look at some of our useful content to guide your planning and writing process - the Introduction to content strategy is a great starting point.

Optimise the blog section of your website

Make sure the blog section on your website stands out - don’t hide it in the footer or a menu if you want it to be seen by users.


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