An introduction
Within the first few modules we’ve spoken a lot about Google.
We’ve tried to provide you with an understanding of the history of the company and have gone into detail around the various features and ranking factors that will help you gain a greater understanding of the depth, scale and potential of the platform as well as giving some initial tips and advice on how your website can rank well for important keywords.
As you continue to progress within this course, we will go back into some of these areas and dive into a lot more detail to help you become a true SEO marketer.
But this final module is not just about Google. It’s about understanding broader digital behaviour and why your SEO strategy shouldn’t just be about ranking for a SERP but actually thinking about ‘answering the question no matter where the question is asked’.
As you’re starting to learn, there are many different facets of SEO – technical, creative, old fashioned PR therefore its important to understand broader digital behaviour. Where people spend their time online, how they access the internet, what they do when they’re online. These are all key questions you should be asking from a strategic perspective to ensure when you are coming up with your digital strategy,
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