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A strong online presence is no longer a luxury for charities – it’s a necessity. But for small organisations with limited resources and trustees who might be new to technology, embarking on this journey can feel overwhelming. That’s where the concept of a Digital Champion comes in!

Why a Digital Champion makes a difference

Think of a Digital Champion as your charity’s tech cheerleader and go-to person. This individual, often a staff member or volunteer, plays a crucial role in spearheading your digital initiatives and empowering others.

Here’s how a Digital Champion can benefit your charity:

Breaks down barriers: They can help bridge the digital gap for trustees and colleagues unfamiliar with technology, offering basic training and support.

Drives digital Strategy: They can champion the importance of digital within the organisation, working with leadership to develop a clear digital strategy aligned with your charitable goals.

Boosts efficiency: They can research and implement user-friendly digital tools to streamline internal processes, saving valuable time and resources.

Empowers others: They can nurture a culture of digital learning, encouraging colleagues to embrace online tools and resources.

Acts as a beacon: They can be a central point of contact for digital queries, troubleshooting issues, and providing ongoing support.

Identifying Your Digital Champion

Look for someone who:

Has a passion for technology: They enjoy learning new things and understand the potential of digital tools.

Is a good communicator: They can explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way.

Is patient and encouraging: They can guide others through the learning process and celebrate small wins.

Is a team player: They can collaborate effectively with colleagues and trustees.

Is a self-starter: They can take initiative and independently research solutions.

Responsibilities of a Digital Champion

  • Staying up-to-date on the latest digital trends relevant to the charity sector
  • Developing and delivering basic digital skills training for staff and volunteers
  • Manages social media accounts, creating engaging content, and scheduling posts
  • Researching and recommending user-friendly digital tools for fundraising, communication, and data management
  • Providing ongoing support and answers digital-related questions from colleagues
  • Collaborating with leadership on developing a digital strategy for your charity

Remember: The role of a Digital Champion can be adapted to fit the needs of your specific charity. Don’t be afraid to get creative! By empowering a Digital Champion, you’re taking a crucial step towards a more efficient, impactful, and digitally connected charity.

So, who in your organisation has the potential to be your digital hero? Start looking today!