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First impressions always count when it comes to written content on your charity’s website, emails, and social media channels, so having a useful proofreading and writing assistant in your charity’s digital toolkit is essential.
Your content not only needs to be credible and professional to engage potential donors or volunteers, but also written clearly and concisely so that your mission and goals are easy to understand. This is where Grammarly can help you.
Grammarly is a popular writing tool that can be used to proofread written content and to improve the readability and style of your writing. The basic version of Grammarly is free to use, but there are also Premium and Business models available with additional features.
It is a great tool for charities to use to avoid any errors or misunderstanding in public facing and internal communications.
Take a look at our ‘Free content tools that every charity needs’ guide for more tips on how to improve your content and workflow.
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