Running a successful Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) programme isn’t easy. What is easy, however, is making mistakes. Trust us, we know. We have made most of them when starting out and still make the occasional one. But as Oscar Wilde once said: ‘Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes’.
This article lists some of the most common mistakes that can harm a CRO programme. This way you can learn from our errors rather than making them yourself.
In no particular order, we will cover the following topics:
- Data
- Statistics
- Research
- Quality Assurance
- Strategy
Data validation: If you can’t trust your data, you won’t learn from your experiments. It’s that simple. What isn’t always simple is knowing if your data is being collected correctly. There are a few parts to this. First, your analytics setup needs to be correct. The basics need to be there and validated. After that, you need to ensure that any test-specific events you want to track are set up and correct. You also need to ensure that your testing tool and analytics platform data correlate.
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