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Using AI tools like ChatGPT can greatly benefit small charities by providing assistance in various tasks such as creating content, generating ideas, and improving communication. However, crafting effective prompts is key to getting the most helpful responses.

In this guide we share 15 elements you might include in your ChatGPT prompts to get the best results.

How to Use These AI Prompts

You don’t need to use all 15 elements in every prompt. The choice of which to use depends on your specific needs and the task at hand. Here’s a brief overview of when and how to use these elements:

  1. Clear and specific questions: Use this when you need a straightforward answer or information on a particular topic.
  2. Context and background information: Include this when the AI needs to understand your situation or background to provide relevant advice.
  3. Define the desired output format: Specify the format to ensure the response is in the form you need, such as bullet points, summaries, or essays.
  4. Use follow-up prompts for clarity: If the initial response is unclear, follow up to refine and clarify the information.
  5. Ask for examples: When you need practical insights or concrete illustrations, asking for examples can be very helpful.
  6. Set a tone or style: Define the tone or style to ensure the response fits your communication style, whether formal, friendly, or technical.
  7. Specify the audience: Tailor the response by specifying your target audience to make the information more relevant and impactful.
  8. Limit word or character count: Use this to get concise and focused responses, especially useful for summaries or social media content.
  9. Define the purpose of the task: Clearly state the purpose to ensure the response aligns with your goal, such as informing, persuading, or recruiting.
  10. Include a call to action: When you need to encourage specific actions from your audience, include a call to action.
  11. Set timescales: Provide key dates or deadlines to ensure timely and relevant responses.
  12. Specify what to include or exclude: Direct the AI on specific details to include or omit for a more tailored response.
  13. Define the format: Specify the format to structure the response in the most useful way for your needs.
  14. Identify key messages: List key messages in order of priority to focus on what matters most in the response.
  15. Consider multiple perspectives: Ask for different points of view to get a well-rounded response.

Example scenarios using multiple prompts:

Scenario 1: Social media post

Task: Creating a social media post to promote a new charity initiative.

Prompt elements to Use:

Clear and specific questions: “How can we promote our new initiative on social media?”

Context and background information: “We are launching a new job training programme for homeless youth in London.”

Define the desired output format: “Write a social media post in bullet points.”

Set a tone or style: “We want the post to be inspiring and engaging.”

Include a call to action: “Encourage followers to visit our website to learn more.”

Example prompt:

“We are launching a new job training programme for homeless youth in London. How can we promote this initiative on social media? Write a social media post in bullet points that is inspiring and engaging, and encourage followers to visit our website to learn more.”


Scenario 2: Grant application

Task: Writing a grant application for funding.

Prompt elements to use:

Clear and specific questions: “How do we write a compelling grant application?”

Context and background information: “Our charity provides mental health support to teenagers.”

Define the desired output format: “Provide an outline for the application.”

Specify the audience: “The application is for a government grant.”

Identify key messages: “Focus on the impact of our services, our success stories, and the need for funding.”

Example prompt:

“Our charity provides mental health support to teenagers. We need to write a compelling grant application for a government grant. Provide an outline for the application, focusing on the impact of our services, our success stories, and the need for funding.”


Scenario 3: Newsletter content

Task: Creating content for a monthly newsletter.

Prompt elements to use:

Clear and specific questions: “What should we include in our monthly newsletter?”

Context and background information: “Our charity focuses on environmental conservation.”

Define the desired output format: “Suggest content ideas in bullet points.”

Set timescales: “The newsletter will be sent out at the end of the month.”

Identify key messages: “Highlight recent achievements, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities.”

Example prompt:

“Our charity focuses on environmental conservation. What should we include in our monthly newsletter? Suggest content ideas in bullet points, highlighting recent achievements, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. The newsletter will be sent out at the end of the month.”



Using ChatGPT or any other AI tool effectively involves being clear, specific, and contextual with your prompts. By thoughtfully selecting which elements to include in your prompts based on your specific needs, you can ensure that they provide useful, relevant, and actionable responses tailored to your charity’s goals.

Happy prompting!